Shay Walker Is Mas Goals
Soka Tribe member Shay Walker played mas back to back in St Vincent & the Grenadines (July 9/10) and St. Lucia (July 15/16)- yes that mean’s she’s still on the road if you are reading this as it hits your inbox. We all know playing mas is requires some endurance, but Shay is our carnival hero for doing two back to back! Learn from the best and see if you could keep up!
Shay Walker does the double like a champ! We got a chance to squeeze a mini-interview this am (cause our people dem are serious about letting you know the deal)
Our first question of course-Are you tired though? I’m out here girl! LOL! Don’t know if I’d do it again.
And that was my next question- already answered! I’m rested now.
After getting in relatively early after Day 1 of pretty mas in St. Lucia, Shay was rested and ready for Day 2 in SLU.
We continued..Which carnival did you prefer? And what is Day 2 in St Lucia? [I preferred] SLU. Vincy is a bit too diff [erent] for me. LOL-but I did enjoy! [For St. Lucia], they switch it. Day two is like Trinidad’s Monday Mas. In Trinidad, Carnival spans two days, the first day masqueraders tend to present DIY costumes, bathings suits, or outfits provided by their bands. Day 2 is the day for full pretty mas costumes. Interesting! So no dirty mas, just a T-shirt band? Or is it Monday (DIY as described earlier) wear? For Vincy it is a mix of both. The Monday bands had t-shirt options and monkinis as well.
Did you say St. Vincent has 2 days too!? For Vincy, Monday and Tuesday are different bands. They also start late on Monday, we were out there for 6 [hours] I think.
Anything else you would tell folks who have never been to either? Oooh. Vincy fetes are 8-10 hours, so be prepared for the work shifts. It’s similar to Grenada in terms of wildness. I would come back to SLU. The rain has been a nuisance, but I appreciated it at Mess since that’s a Jouvert party. In SVG, there was a breakfast fete before the road (A:M Jamboree) and the road went until 10pm on Monday. That is different because who goes to a fete before getting on the road?!– ..apparently we do
Catch more of Shay’s carnival adventures on her ig: @shay_did_that !